Tuesday, August 21, 2007

User Accounts Added and Columns Formatted

Added user accounts and passwords to Top20 report.

Turned out to be quite straight forward.

Added a user database and some methods to check password.

Made numbers more readable by using a helper to format with commas.

See SVN, updated today.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

User Accounts for Propmansheet

OK, I have given myself one day to implement user accounts on Propman sheet.

The issue is that it is working better than I could have dreamed of.

The Surveyors are using it, after receiving very little training and they are finding it easy and useful.

If only everything in life was this simple.

However, the new challenge is to make it secure.

It runs on the BRCS intranet so non-BRCS people cannot access it.

It just needs to be able to restricted, to those in the BRCS who need to know.

This is to ensure that the surveyors can make comments and decisions privately.

Adding user accounts seems simple but I don't really understand it.

I'm going to have to just implement it the best I can on a test system and then fire-fight it to get it working.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Starting New Propmansheet Project

Using Propmansheet to build a stand-alone application that will allow are solicitors to read, interpret and summarise property leases and then input that information into a spreadsheet that automatically formats as a Propman keynotes import file.

They could then periodically email those files to BRCS so that Propman could can be updated with summarised interpreted lease data.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Own Server At Last

Two things to report:
  1. Propmansheet has now moved off my machine on to its own server in the BRCS data room.
  2. I have started work on the security module - should be finished end of next week
The BRCS server is on the intranet but is sealed off from the general internet.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New Server: Moving Propmansheet Off my PC

Due to get a new server today. Since this project started I've been hosting Ruby on Rails and the database on my personal work PC. This has meant that I have to leave it on so that others can access the data.

Hopefully, from today everything moves to a sever in our data room next to the Propman server.

The Propmansheet application is not RAM or CPU greedy. It can easily run on your pc while you do other work.

However, it is more convenient for it to run on a dedicated server.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Next Steps for Propmansheet

1. Implement password protection for Top20 report. This is necessary as it is only accessable on British Red Cross intranet but only want authorised property professionals to see information.

2. Write more reports in Crystal Report writer.

3. Write Excel reports for it using MySQL ODBC driver ( http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/3.51.html ) to link into Promansheet database.

4. Ensure all users have access to Crystal Report Writer.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Simple Tool for Updating Propman Analysis and Keynotes

I have decided to email a few Grosvenor Propman users to tell them about Propmansheet as others could find it useful.


Hi would you pass this on to your Property Department,
I have written a simple tool that makes it easy, using a web browser, to update Propman keynotes and analysis.
I would like to share it with Grosvenor Propman users.
The tool is free.
You can use or adapt it.
You or your IT department could find it useful.
If you have any thoughts or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
A Propman User

Friday, June 22, 2007

Simply How To

Today in the spirit of "service through simplicity" I am writing some notes on the wiki (http://code.google.com/p/propmansheet/w/list) on how to upload keynotes and property analysis code to Propman.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Propmansheet Download

I have just uploaded a new Propmansheet download zip.

The main change is that it now translates spreadsheet entries into analysis codes.

So You can use more readable spreadsheet entries and then use a simple lookup table to change them into analysis codes.

see Zip of beta 0.2 of BRCS Top Twenty Report using Propmansheet requires ROR and... in root

Propmansheet Works

After initially setting up propmansheet using an excel spreadsheet. I corrected it on the web then produced a upload file for propman.

I worked well.

Now I have a spreadsheet that the building professionals can use and a tool for EASILY updating propman.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Keeping Propmansheet Readable and Simple

I have decided to keep the Proman spreadsheet readable and simple by using simple descriptions for terms in the spreadsheet.

These terms are then used to lookup the analysis code and it is this analysis code that is output to the Propman upload file.

Currently setting up the lookups.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Updating PropmanSheet

I am currently updating the Propman spreadsheet prior to live launch.

This involves updating the web spreadsheet using information from the Excel spreadsheets.

The data has then has to be rationalised, made consistent e.g. "yes" and "Y" spreadsheet entries changed to one or the other.

A pre-formated Excel spreadsheet is then used to make a migration file to move data to Propmansheet. See

Also, Propman needs to be updated with any new analysis codes or keynote types.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Top 20 spreadsheets to be brought up to date

Comparing the latest top 20 spreadsheet with figures in Propman sheet.

Correcting differences.

Ensuring all properties have propman references.

Cleaning up comments.

Plan for First Roll Out of Propmansheet

In discussions with BRCS MIS to ensure it can be supported.

I have been writing down how it works and a User's guide.
The stages of Phase 1 are
- the Top 20 spreadsheets will be brought up to date
- to ensure that the Prop Ref numbers are correct and all new projects have Prop Ref numbers (essential)
- clean up the comments column
- upload the information into PropMan
- produce reports from PropMan and check the information.
- once we are comfortable that the information is loading up into the correct places and we can report out again, this will be Big Bang as we can stop using the excel spreadsheets.
- as a group the BRCS need to agree how frequently to update PropMan with this information
- once we are comfortable with Top 20 reports we will do the same for the 5 year planned maintenance, lease details, others to follow.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

More Propmansheet Testing

Demo currently not working as I have updated to latest Active Scaffold version but I haven't had time to update Instant Rails. I'll do it some time today if I have time.

I will be ticking back and setting up new analysis and keynote items to match Top20 Report.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Propman VPN

The next challenge is to log into Propman over the red cross vpn and remotely test uploading and reporting using my office computer.

Need to speak to IT helpdesk first to sort out some vpn issues so that won't be until tomorrow.

New Logo for Application

Generated Image

Propman Testing

Meeting with Andrew today to discuss Propman Sheet.

I will this morning trying to test out Propman by VPNing into Red Cross system.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Added Demo to Wiki Web Site

This Demo is running on my home machine.

So it is very slow.

Demo on my home computer >>

Wiki - First Draft Done

Finished first draft of wiki.

Next need to get web Propman spreadsheet updated and agreed.

Then do some testing on Propman.

Meeting Andrew from IT dept. tomorrow to discuss support and hosting.

A key issue will be security and login and password protection.

Proman Sheet Discussion Group

Visit discussion group

Google Groups

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

Weblog of Developemnt of Propman sheet


This is my weblog of the development of a web spreadsheet for Grosvenor Systems Propman property accounting system.

I have posted the source code to google code and created a discussion group.

Currently working on the wike.